Obama and POTUS 45 the former President and the Sex Predator Bully

Laura Ann Tull
5 min readSep 10, 2018

I listened today to a video on YouTube called “Split Screen Presidents: Barack Obama Comes Out Swinging As Donald Trump Digs In.” It says so much about the current climate of politics and how close we are to falling over into something that could destroy the foundations of America.

The contrast between POTUS 45 (Trump) and are prior President Obama is as different at the color of their skin. We truly have elected Archie Bunker with a need to be right and set in his ways, for POTUS 45 can not face criticism or speak with civility and kindness. President Obama’s remarks brought tears to my eyes. We are in a mental health crisis because the underlying emotional state of many I think is rage. We are angry at each other and our current President is just feeding it and enjoying the show. We lash out at each other in frustration because out POTUS is setting a tone of degrading and bullying behavior.

I am a Democrat but I have been repeatedly attacked on line and it appears I am being attacked by people who on the one hand claim to be anti-POTUS 45 and yet call me a bully for expressing sarcasm as to the acts of the Presidency. POTUS 45 gives me PTSD attacks and I will never get over his comments about pussy grabbing.

Religion is a part of my attacks, another integral part of the first amendment. I have had Christians attack me and tell me I will not fine the “Devine” in Buddhism without realizing the “Devine” has nothing to do with Buddhism which is why I practice it. Yet I have also had Buddhists who are sex workers telling me I am not Buddhist for wanting their occupation made illegal, and men who support their choice of employment who are POTUS 45 supporters criticizing me for my opinion. I have been told I should apologize to a sex worker for stating her job choice should be illegal. I refuse. It is a valid opinion and I am not going to change my view. Her view that I am degrading her for my opinion is an unhealthy view of the truth. I want women to have jobs where they are respected and not work they are degraded. One of the arguments presented to me on line was that the sex workers have no choice but their job and need to make money. But that is an argument in support of my view, because if these women only have the one choice, then there is something wrong with our society and culture. I say the demand for these “services” are the real culprit of degradation, and my opinion is not bullying. I want these women to have other choices and to not have to be forced to do this. One of the best ways to limit the sexualization of women as objects is to take sex work off the table as an option.

POTUS 45 is not helping Women with his words and actions. In fact since his rise to power I would say the amount of on line sexual exploitation seems to have increased. I had to leave TUMBLR because all I got were followers who posted Gay female pornography. Interesting enough when I left the last image I saw was of the Hindu God Vishnu. I was attacked on line over and over and I noticed that the bullying was liked by people in the sex work industry. However I am not leaving Twitter. I need social contact and I need to get a job and make money. If I can not use social media, I can not connect to people to be employed. I am sorry GOP but I do not want to be degraded by being a wife, teacher, or secretary.

We are toys to POTUS 45. He is turning the tools that are supposed to give the average American peace of mind and a voice, into his own playground. We are chess pieces with the ultimate goal to line his pockets and steal the very soul of this country’s legal foundation. He wants to destroy the first amendment. He wants to take it away from the average American so that no one can speak out against him.

Now I will say that their our certain types of speech that I think should be either criminalized or monitored. I think you can tell by my prior remarks. Children should enjoy their innocence for as long as possible, and some types of speech have no valid value and can be degrading to the mental health of certain sections of the population. I am referring to “fighting words,” hate and obscene speech. But POTUS 45 is trying to prevent perfectly legal speech against his policies and protected political opinion. POTUS 45 does not understand that when it comes to how a President runs America there is no law that protects him from being criticized, nor should there be. It is not a traitorous act to say he is not a good President. It is the natural nature of a Democracy where the People get to vote. POTUS 45 is supposed to understand that if the People are angry and speaking out he needs to listen and act accordingly or he will be voted out of office.

As to my fight against female enablers and the apparent bullying that I need to know since I am not a play mate I have no future as an actress or with SAG AFTRA, because this is my life and I am going to tell you that ACTING is who I am I am never going to accept my career as an actor has no future. As a woman I am so tired of the hypocrisy that you assume who would want me and who I would want. I want to be back with SAG AFTRA and I want my dreams back to be a working actor. If you did not want me to make it, you do not get I would die before turning to sex work or being property. My father will never get what he wants from me. I will not date a man who he would want to hang our with and I will not be with someone who does not have the courage to do the right thing. I am disgusted with the fact that no one cared if I was happy or had a career I loved, because you assume that my family or a man would save me. That will not happen because if I can not create and be an actor I will never be owned and certainly not by someone like our current POTUS 45.



Laura Ann Tull

Sag Aftra Actress Poet Vegan Atheist Buddhist Cancer & Autoimmune disease. Filmmaker Editor PHI BETA KAPPA artistichope.com womenlovepeace.com lauraanntull.com